", .pcOffersHost{margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 20px;} "You Should Have a Host Rewards Party! Host bonus may ship separately. Double free product rewards are available to hosts of parties having a minimum of $650 in guest sales per party (before tax and shipping). line-height: 135%; font-size:16px; td { strong { Apply your free product rewards toward a kit and become a consultant! 3-Party Booking Bonus: When your party reaches at least $200 in guest sales and three of your guests host parties within six months of your party, each with guest sales of $200 or more, youll get $50 in free product rewards. } .pcOffersHostBanner {} line-height: 135% !important; border-radius:10px; .host-icon-fit { Hosts get twice as much to spend on products when guest sales are $650 or more. margin-right: 5px; .hostRewardsBanner .hostRewardsBannerImage img{margin-top:-30px; max-width:100%; max-height:120px; margin-right:10px;}. } height: 100%; } width:90%;} // set question count to 0 so that when the user wishes to retry, the quiz is on the right question count Pampered Chef Official Site | Pampered Chef US Site Winter Warm-Up Soup's On Shop the Collection Find a Party or Consultant New Year Sale Get a fresh start to 2023. max-width: 900px!important; } Find out which type of party you should host and your top recommended party theme! } ", "You Should Have a Wedding Shower! option0: { Get $50 in free product rewards when three guests host parties. line-height: 28px; } if(footIconState == "true") { width: 100%; #hostHeading .about { #hubCards .quoteCard .quoteTag{ "Have a cause that's close to your heart? text-align: center; // for setting up each of the questions font-family: Questa; position: relative!important; margin-left: 50px; } content: "I want to give the rewards to a soon-to-be-married couple. jQuery(selected).data("isopen", "true"); Future party pick cannot be combined with other offers. } // for setting up each of the questions In a Shared Rewards Party, guests get to earn discounts along with the host! } font-size: 15px; line-height: 20px; } margin: 0px 15px 20px 15px; Fundraiser: [ #contact-info-container #contactMeBookButton{width:260px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; display:block;} position: fixed; flex: 50%; pages[2].style.display = "none"; function showPage(num) { justify-content: center 'event': "survey", jQuery(selected).data("isopen", "false"); Get the tools you need to stock your kitchen - at a great discount! justify-content: center; height:75px; margin-bottom:15px; country = "CA"; color:#000 margin-bottom: 40px; ", max-width: 100%; personalityResult[0]; @media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:991px) { } line-height: 135% !important; The Large Reusable Storage Bag will be automatically added to with each qualifying host order. display: block; width: 100%; .pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostText{ } if(location.hostname == "www.pamperedchef.ca"){ } } font-size:20px; } flex: 100%; font-size:20px; margin-bottom: 5px !important; .blue-host-box { "", next(); line-height: 120%; ], const result = { text-align: center; width: 100%; var personalityResult = result[highestPersonality]; .breadCrumb { visibility: hidden }. text-align: center; margin:0px 10px!important; background: #1a5962; @media screen and (max-width:767px){ font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; type: "string", width: 100%; // for keeping track of the score } content: "Shopping! 'event': "survey", max-height: 360px; .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerImage{flex:100%; text-align:center;} #hostFuture h2{ content: } margin-left:20px; @media screen and (min-width:768px){ progressbar.innerText = currentQn + 1 + "/3"; #hubCards .hubCard .hubCardContents .hubCardInner { font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif!important; margin-bottom:10px; } #hostPWSBox #hostPWSBoxPicRow{text-align: center;} #hostFuture h2{font-family: Antonio-Regular; font-style: normal;font-weight: normal;font-size: 37px;line-height: 120%; margin-bottom:25px; text-align:center;} margin-right:auto; } .hostRewardsBanner {} #hubCards .quoteCard .quoteText{ } Free product rewards cannot be applied to monthly host specials, half-price products, discounted products, half-price combos, shipping, or sales tax. text-align:center; display: flex; content: "I want all the rewards for myself! personality: "Wedding" padding: 0.55em!important; .hostRewards .hostRewardsContainer{ border: 1px solid #1A5962; See Full Details Shared Rewards Shop together. .hostRewardsMobileButton{display:none;} @media screen and (max-width:767px){ } #hubCards { .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerText {flex:100%;} "You Should Have a Fundraiser! .about{ highestScore = score["Shared"]; max-width:300px; #hubCards .hubCardTitle .material-icons { Air Fryer Launch Bundle $200 $150 | $725+ Value. country = "US"; setupQuestion(); } else { } height: 0!important; @media(min-width:1200px) { line-height: 20px; background-color:#FFFFFF; Stoneware Launch Bundle $50 $25 | $260+ Value. btn[0].checked = false; There was an error loading the Component. } flex:1; question: "What's your favorite special occasion? font-weight: normal; .top-text { border-radius: 50%; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { font-weight:bolder; overflow: hidden; ", ", max-width: 95% margin-right:auto; personality: "Wedding" } #hubCards .hubCardImage img { Apply $25 when party sales are $200$399 and $50 when party sales are $400+. option0: { Host and submit Jan. 1-15 to get a free Large Reusable Storage Bag. ", .qualifier { question: "How do you like to spend your free time? Host: 0, document.getElementById("lcConsultantID").value = consultantID; justify-content: center #pcAssociationBanner{width: 90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} dataLayer.push({ }); margin-bottom:40px; } #hostFutureReward{ #hubCardsFilters .active { padding: 8px 0px; .hostRewardsBanner {margin-top:30px;margin-bottom:40px;} Offer's Details: Save money when you shop on pamperedchef.com. } #hostPWSBox{} The chairperson for the organization's fundraiser is considered the host. text-align: center; padding:10px 20px; margin-bottom: 40px; // page 1: result page Please Sign In or Pampered Chef Host RewardsPampered Chef Host RewardsPampered Chef Host RewardsPampered Chef Host RewardsAt hometipsHealthContact Usor. document.getElementById("hostparty-type-recommended").innerText = "Did you know? You can party at your table or ours! padding:20px 80px 20px 80px #hubCards .hideLink{display:none;} #hostTablePartyVid { align-items: center; Remember, You also join the VIP . } "Did you know? You can party at your table or ours! document.getElementById("lcPWSLink").value = pwsURI; document.getElementById("hostparty-type-1").innerText = } Terms: Make sure to see the website for more specific information. font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; "", // page 2: quiz consultantID = "001000"; } #hostFuture p { } outline: none; }, margin-bottom: 40px; Talk to your consultant to decide where to party and what you and your friends will learn." } width: 55px; width:100%; "My birthday! text-align:center; document.getElementById("lcConsultantID").value = consultantID; }, margin-bottom:15px; padding: 5px 15px; function resetOptions() { The bigger the party, the bigger the savings. }. #hubCards a { font-size: 22px !important; display: table-cell!important; ", document.getElementById("BookNowPWS-Btn").className = ""; #takeQuiz h1 { margin-bottom: 5px !important; #partyTypeLabel{display:none;} "You Should Have a Host Rewards Party! content: "Planning parties and events. jQuery(selected).html("expand_less") ", } margin-bottom: 5px; Wedding: 0, line-height: 23px; font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; option2: { personality: "Shared" .hostRewardsTable{flex:100%;padding:20px 0px;}.hostRewards .hostRewardsTable span{width:100%} } The monthly host special varies from month to month, but usually consists of one or more items at 60% off. padding: 8px 12px; var highestScore = score["Host"]; document.getElementById("host-party-img").innerHTML = } } jQuery(selected).html("expand_more"); font-size: 22px !important; var consultantID = ""; Host benefits that are redeemed by the host on their party consist of Free Product Rewards, the monthly host special, ha. margin-bottom:20px; ", z-index: 1; } line-height: 20px; // constant to store the description for each type of party btn[1].checked = false; #hubCards .hubCard { // get the next questions, or display result if all questions were answered 6. margin-left:auto; #hubCardsHeader h1 { Fundraiser: 0 margin-bottom: 40px; } margin-bottom: 20px; margin-bottom:15px; Host and submit Jan. 1-15 to get a free Large Reusable Storage Bag. .pcOffersHost { flex-direction: column; }. Pampered Chef Business Management Business, Marketing and Customer Service Maximizing Host Benefits KimmyDarling Dec 6, 2006 KimmyDarling Advanced Member Sep 2, 2006 733 0 Dec 6, 2006 #1 This might sound really dumb, but are there any general rules of thumb y'all have that help to maximize the benefits to the host? // check if quiz is completed var pathArray = pagePath.split('/'); margin-left: 50px; ", The average host gets $296 in product rewards! @media (max-width: 767px){ font-size: 13px; consultantID = "001000"; @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { margin-bottom: 0px; margin-bottom: 20px; // constant to store the description for each type of traveller #hostFuture h3{font-family: Antonio-Regular; font-style: normal;font-weight: normal;font-size: 35px;line-height: 120%; margin-bottom:10px; text-align:center;} height: 0!important; font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; Shop and save money one time only using this deal. line-height: 41px; } font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; personality: "Wedding" Create an Account Now text-align:center; Use the slider to see how your rewards . position: fixed; #hubCards .hubCard .hubCardContents { padding:0px; position: relative!important; To qualify for the free Large Reusable Storage Bag, one party of at least $200 in guest sales (before tax and shipping) must be held Jan. 115, 2023, and submitted to Home Office no later than 11:59 p.m. (CT) on Jan. 15, 2023. font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; personality: "Fundraiser" .hostRewards .hostRewardsText h2{ } Future Party Pick: You can get 40% off any ONE item or set at any party booked from yours within six months when guest sales are $200 or more, not including your discounted item. width:90%; .hostRewards .hostRewardsImage img{ .pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostContainer{flex-direction:column;width:100%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostImage{flex:100%}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostImage img{border-radius:10px 10px 0 0; width:100%; max-width:100%}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostText{flex:100%;}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostText span{width:100%} display: block; .hostRewardsMobileButton{display:block; margin:20px;} tpcfooterlcForm.classList.remove("hidetpcfooterlcForm"); 3-Party Booking Bonus: When your party reaches at least $200 in guest sales and three of your guests host parties within six months of your party, each with guest sales of $200 or more, youll get $50 in free product rewards. } .breadCrumb { visibility: hidden }. border-radius:10px 10px 0px 0px; font-size: 15px; #hubCardsHeader h1 { font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; content: "Shopping! "Thanksgiving, because I love giving thanks and giving back. #recaptcha{transform: scale(0.8) !important; transform-origin: bottom left !important; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px;} font-size: 15px; // else quiz is completed if (highestScore < score["Wedding"]) { height: 100%; Find out which type of party you should host and your top recommended party theme! background-color: #FFF; 'survey': surveyName, display:flex; content: #hubCards .quoteCard .quoteMug{ } else if(location.hostname == "www.pamperedchef.com"){ Talk to your consultant to decide where to party and what you and your friends will learn." // get the personality type for the option selected } .BookNowPWS-Btn { Everyone can receive savings between 2.5% to 25% on their entire order depending on the sales at the party. } }); border-radius: 0px; margin-bottom:20px; } .hostRewardsBanner .hostRewardsBannerInner {display:flex; flex-direction: row; background: rgba(247, 226, 205, 0.5);border-radius: 10px;} Get $230 (or More) in Free Products! margin-top:40px;border:1px solid #C7C7C7;border-radius:10px;margin-left:auto;;margin-right:auto;width:92%; Sam NM man, an independent consultant with Pampered Chef. If you do not have a Pampered Chef customer account, please click Create Account and set up your new account using the same email address that your consultant recorded at your party. The average host gets $318 in product rewards. content: "I want to give the rewards to a soon-to-be-married couple. #hubCardsHeader>div>strong { .pcDouble .pcDoubleContent .pcDoubleFeature .pcDoubleFeatureBox button{ flex-direction:row-reverse; #3. btn[1].checked = false; var consultantID = ""; .pcDouble .pcDoubleContent .pcDoubleFeature .pcDoubleFeatureBox .pcDoubleText p { .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerInner {flex-direction:column-reverse;} } font-weight:bolder; max-width:70%; } Benefits start at $200 in sales. ", border-radius: 50%; overflow: hidden; text-decoration:none; #mobile-head thead { }, .hostDashboard { font-size: 16px; #hostFuture h2{ .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerImage{flex:100%; text-align:center;} function select(element) { .circle-num { } // page 0: start page }; .hostRewardsBanner .hostRewardsBannerImage img{max-height:200px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto;} background: #1a5962; A monthly host offer cannot be combined with other offers and does not include the new consultant kits or the host-half price combos. var pagePath = window.location.pathname; "Did you know? You can party at your table or ours! color: #2F2F31; type: "string", max-width: 900px!important; // increase the score of the personality by one justify-content: center; } padding:40px; to see all the Shows you're invited to or hosting! line-height: 20px; pages[1].style.display = "none"; margin-top:40px;border:1px solid #C7C7C7;border-radius:10px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:10px;width:46.75%; The more everyone spends, the more everyone saves. line-height: 135%; personalityResult[1]; font-size:20px!important; personality: "Shared" font-family: Antonio-Regular; text-align: center; font-family: Antonio-Regular; flex-wrap: nowrap; z-index: 1; flex: 50%; content: #hostTablePartyVid { font-size: 16px; #hubCards a { line-height:21px; #contact-info-container #contactMeBookButton{width:100% !important;} text-align: center; document.getElementById("findConsultantButton").className = ""; } margin-bottom:15px; And the bigger the party, the more you earn! min-height: 525px!important; consultantID = "001000"; var content = option.getElementsByClassName("content")[0]; } border: 0.1em solid #C7C7C7!important; var ans = $("input[name=answer]:checked").val(); dataLayer.push({ font-size:16px; ] if(location.hostname == "www.pamperedchef.ca"){ .tableVideo { display: block; width: 100%; font-size: 15px; With the changes in September 2020, we are delivering even more value with the 3-party booking bonus! .tableVideo { #BookNowPWS-Btn .btn{ font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; Wedding: [ max-width:70%; } ", .kit-box-l{ #hostFutureReward { Talk to your consultant to decide where to party and what you and your friends will learn." Forums Pampered Chef Business Management Flyers and Letters Host Rewards Chart line-height:135%; Shared: [ 3-Party Booking Bonus: When your party reaches at least $200 in guest sales and three of your guests host parties within six months of your party, each with guest sales of $200 or more, youll get $50 in free product rewards. ", } margin-left: 20px!important; const surveyName = "host-a-party"; color: #fff; Pampered Chef Host Rewards - YouTube Book your party today! #hubCards .hubCardTitle { ", And the bigger the party, the more you earn! flex-direction: column; } margin-right:auto; } border-radius: 40px; .tableVideo { "", line-height: 20px; line-height: 32px; // constant to store all the questions and answers * *Based on 2020 host redemption of specials, discounts, half-price items, and free product value. #contact-info-container{float: none !important; width: 100% !important; max-width: 720px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block !important; border-left: 0px !important;} max-width: 900px!important; pwsURI = pathArray[2]; }, #hubCardsFilters { .hostRewardsBanner .hostRewardsBannerTable {flex:100%;} border-radius: 50%; "
", option3: { margin: 0px 10px; "Did you know? You can party at your table or ours! #pcAssociationBanner a{font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 135%;} content: "I want to give the rewards to a cause I care about. "", line-height:55px; background-color:#F4B768!important; The Large Reusable Storage Bag will be automatically added to with each qualifying host order. } @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { line-height: 20px; } Pampered Chef Host tips. I hosted my first ever Pampered Chef party, and earned amazing host rewards! } document.getElementById("hostparty-type-3").innerHTML = font-size: 15px; Top 10 Pampered Chef Recipes of 2022 November 29, 2022 in Food & Drink 9 Home cooks made quite a variety of recipes in 2022, trying their hands at comfort food appetizers like this Baked Brie Sunflower, inventive takes on classics like a taco-inspired mac and cheese, and sweet treats like cookies & cream cakes. progressbar.style.width = progress + "%"; -webkit-box-flex: 0; border-left: solid 1px #327E8A; #hubCardsFilters { Get $50 in free product rewards when three guests host parties. if(consultantID != "" && country != ""){ Discounts start at $100 in sales. All Rights Reserved. } // to unselect all of the options .pcDoubleText p { }. Every month they have great host and guest specials. line-height: 20px; ", type: "string", function setupQuestion() { // and go through each of the partyy type, and update the highest score and party .qz-body-states { } } }, #hubCardsHeader { height: 250px; } var pathArray = pagePath.split('/'); font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; .pcDouble .pcDoubleHeader{ max-width: 900px!important; #host-circles{flex-direction:column;} var btn = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); } Host Rewards The average host gets $296 in product rewards! } height: 100%; margin-left:auto; 40% Future Party Pick Get 40% off any item or set at parties booked from yours. } line-height: 20px; .bottom-text { }, #mobile-head th { } personality: "Shared" } resetOptions(); Wedding: [ type: "string", }, .centered {display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;}.center1{justify-content: center;align-items: center;text-align: center;margin-top: 10px;}.container-quiz {font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif;background-color: #FFF;padding: 20px;border-radius: 10px;margin-bottom:40px;max-width: 700px;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;}#question {font-size: 20px;font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif!important;font-weight: bolder;margin-bottom:20px;}#hostparty-type-1 {font-size: 20px;font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif!important;font-weight: bolder;margin-bottom: 20px;}#questionaire-title {margin-top: 20vh;margin-bottom: 20vh;text-align: center;}.hidden {display: none;}. 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pampered chef host rewards